You still have time

May, 17, 2024

You still have time. If you are still alive, you have more time to fulfill your life mission. We reminded you a year ago, but with your current life and world conditions, you will hear us today.

May 17, 2023

You could change your world. We mean the world that you experience personally and your collective world. That is why you were born, and you change your world and the collective one with every thought, action, and belief you hold. Many of those beliefs you have brought into the world with you, and many of them, you wanted to release.

You are not just a passive observer in this time of restructuring your world. You are a crucial participant, attempting to manifest a new world. To do that, you must release your judgment, enabling you to do the same for others. This is a moment of planetary ascension, and you are here, alive, to play a significant role in that ascension.

Your decision to love and embrace every aspect of yourself is a powerful catalyst for this transformation. 

Understand that you have never made any mistakes. It’s about shifting your perspective on yourself, your past, and your world to align with your goals. Your life has never been more significant than it is now. Remember, your self-judgment is a challenge, but it is not insurmountable. You have the strength and resilience to overcome it. 

But as we have always said, you will be fine.


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Here are the obstacles you must move beyond

May 16, 2024

Here are the obstacles you must move beyond. We gave them to you last year on this day, but today, they will resonate more with a live conversation we advised our messenger to provide you with. You have everything you need. 

May 16, 2023

Guilt, shame, and embarrassment can be helpful. You came into the world to evolve and become more, and at times, to accomplish your task, you will have momentary experiences in those states. They are meant to awaken you to a part of yourself you have denied, overlooked, or believed you didn’t possess.

Much of the shame you brought with you as all beings will be specific to your physical life experience. When you seek to know why you feel shame, you might have difficulty identifying the cause. Still, during this time in your world, you will find it is generational, and you want to move beyond those limitations, which you can only achieve when you feel them emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically.

The guilt you might experience is due to you recognizing your reluctance to accept and love every aspect of yourself and your journey. The embarrassment you might feel indicates you are still too concerned with the opinions of others, and that has placed a stranglehold on your life and who you could become.

When you become willing to embrace all your emotions when they arise and, at that moment, raise your emotional vibrations until they pass, you will have made a crucial step in your ascension journey. Remember, these uncomfortable temporary states are not obstacles but opportunities for growth. They can all be helpful when you decide not to ignore them but turn them to your benefit.

You have everything you need to manifest a beautiful life and world. This week, you will want to release the lower vibrational energies within yourself, the fruits of which will be reflected in your life and world.


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Self-acceptance is your only goal

May 15, 2024

Self-acceptance is your only goal. You may have felt you had other goals throughout your lifetime, but this is the only one that will bring you everything you desire.

You can accept the message we provided last year on this date as you have evolved and accepting what we offered in a live conversation will aid you today.

May 15, 2023

Self-acceptance is a process, and you never complete it as you are an unlimited, eternal spiritual being. You use your life experiences to cause expansion within yourself and your world. No one was born with more ability than you to accomplish that goal. We will go even further to say that because you are alive now, you have something to offer yourself and your world of immense value, and we have given you guidance along the way.

May 15, 2013

Your physical life experience is like a symphony orchestra, with you as the conductor. All the events, situations, circumstances, and people in your life are like the instruments of this orchestra.

You conduct this orchestra then through your thoughts, actions, and words. Many times, some of the instruments that comprise the orchestra do not make sense to you, or you even question their involvement; however, as you conduct this orchestra, all the pieces or instruments begin to make sense and demonstrate meaning and purpose, which is the beautiful musical piece that is ultimately created.

The creation, then, or that beautiful musical piece, is the person you desire to be. All you ever need do is become willing to be the conductor and create your masterpiece.

– Wilhelm

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There is more for you to do

May 14, 2024

There is more for you to do. When you visit our message from last year on this day and review your life and world, there will be no question as to what you are to accomplish. Our live conversation from that year will aid you more now, especially this day in the United States. 

May 14, 2023

You are not done yet. If you are still in physical form, it means there is more you can accomplish to enrich your life experience or expansion. It also means it is far more critical for you to do so now during your planetary ascension.

We know our messages might have confused you, as the global conditions might have done the same, but that is why you are alive. If you do it now, you hold something within you that could aid your evolution and that of your world, for you are creating a new world through your thoughts and actions and what you choose to create now.

We gave you guidance in 2012 that you can utilize now. Please do not underestimate the importance of what you came to the world to offer. 

May 14, 2012

Keep seeking your vision. At first, that statement may seem odd, but as you attempt to understand it, the relevance to your physical life experience will become apparent. Vision not only refers to what you find with your physical eyes, but it comes to you in many different forms and through all your physical senses.

Sometimes, your vision will be clear because of how you feel emotionally. Other times, it will appear to you in the form of what you consider to be instinct. Sometimes, your physical vision will spark something that causes you to experience inner vision. In any of those scenarios, the purpose is always to lead you to greater expansion.


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Remember, nothing has gone wrong in your world

May 13, 2024

Remember, nothing has gone wrong in your world. This includes both your personal life experience and the ongoing restructuring of the world. You are not a passive observer, but an active participant, here to aid in both.

Please view the message we provided on this day a year ago and apply it to your life and the world, especially the United States. We went a step further with a live conversation that will elevate you even more. You have never done anything wrong. 

May 13, 2023

You are accelerating rapidly. The last few years might have felt different to you, and many of you have commented that time was moving too quickly and you couldn’t believe you had even reached this month. It was all purposeful, which also caused you to contemplate your mortality.

While in physical form, you hold that fear even though you never die, in terms you imagine. But you can tend to rush yourselves to get something done, especially when you believe you don’t have much time. You do. We knew you might be at this place during your planetary ascension, so we guided you in 2012 that you would do well to contemplate now.

May 13, 2012

Remember, taking your time in anything you attempt to do, be, accomplish, or have is crucial. This advice is not just a suggestion but a key to savoring the moment and enjoying the experience as you intended. It’s also a way to trust your particular adventure, and that trust causes whatever you are doing to flourish.

Your reaction to that fear gives energy to what you fear and causes it to manifest or occur. When you decide to take your time, you are also knowingly or unknowingly deciding to trust your particular adventure, and that trust causes whatever you are doing to flourish.


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You were wrong

May 12, 2024

You were wrong. 

You were wrong not to believe you came to the world with great purpose.

You were wrong to believe you were not the one to cause the most significant achievement in your life to be done by you.

You were wrong to think you didn’t have guidance along the way.

You were wrong to feel no one loved you.

You were wrong to think you were abandoned because you never were.

Now, you can accept the message we provided on this day years ago. You would be wrong to judge yourself now for not fulfilling your mission. You have time.

May 12, 2009

Become willing to be wrong.

Again, this is another subjective term for you. However, it will lead you to greater awareness and the unlimited freedom you desire. In order for you to evolve and expand, you must remain open to new information, knowledge, and wisdom. When you believe you have already found that, you simultaneously cut yourself off, so to speak, from what could be available for you.

You will always maintain a limited perspective and perception of yourself, your world, and the Universe. This formation was what you planned, for in this manner you make yourself available for so much more. 

Anything you argue for, defend, or fight for, especially your position on any particular subject or area of your life experience, will be yours because you create your reality. This information will bring you back to the wonder of a child who is always open to new information, adventure, and happiness. Try that, for it was your intention.


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You could be ready now

May 11, 2024

You could be ready now. There is always a time when you begin to recognize the importance of your life journey and the contribution you intend to make. Today may be that day, and the message we provided last year will provide more encouragement today. 

May 11, 2023

You are manifesting a new life and world. You accomplish both in the same way. You do so by how much you are willing to love and accept yourself and how much of your past you are eager to release.

No person holds more ability than you to accomplish this task because it was implanted within you at your birth. What you are meant to do in your physical life experience is chart your path to success with your positive thoughts about yourself and your world, which, in turn, will do the same. Everything you create or manifest in your life and world is done energetically.

The challenges you are facing now are part of a generational shift, a restructuring, in your world. We have always said that the United States would lead the way, and you will see more of that in the coming weeks.

Remember, you can’t change anything you’re not willing to see or change within yourself or your world. Being aware of this will help you navigate the upcoming weeks with more ease.

Our guidance has always been to help you remember the brilliance within you and release your false thoughts of past failures, grievances, and regrets, most of which you brought with you, as have many in your world. When you refuse to move past them, you create more chaos in your life and world.

Your only job is to take the next step, which would be to manifest something in your life that provides you with joy. Then, you will love yourself, and again, your world will notice your example. The title of this message will make sense, and you will accomplish both goals. 


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You are always stronger than you thought

May 10, 2024 

You are always stronger than you thought. All your life experiences cause you to remember your innate value, and we remind you.

Our message on this date last year will resonate and become helpful for you today. 

May 10, 2023

You know more now. When you are born, you have little conscious awareness of who you might become or what world you will find. You chose to be alive at the perfect time to participate in restructuring your life and your world.

We said you were moving through this transition so you and the world would ascend to higher consciousness and awareness. You will accomplish both goals when you recognize and own your importance and what you have gained through all your travels. You will aid yourself and your world when you release your self-judgment. You are all finding your way.

Our ascension guide’s message on this date will help you today. 

May 10, 2012

Knowing is indeed a destination and the one which you always desire to arrive. It is a state of knowing. When you are in that state, you experience complete wholeness and peace, for you trust all that is occurring in your physical life experience, knowing it is leading you always to expansion as you intended.

When you hold this state of knowing, even in situations and circumstances that you call difficult, you know they will pass, and you end up with greater awareness, knowledge, and wisdom. When you seek to find this state of understanding in your every moment of now, you also allow your innate abilities to come through, and you create.

 – Wilhelm

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You can allow yourself to become wealthy now

May 9, 2024

You can allow yourself to become wealthy now. You do so when you become willing to take the next step on your evolutionary journey into self-acceptance. 

Self-acceptance is not about judgment, but about finding peace in what we provided last year on this date and our last live conversation. It’s about realizing that you were never meant to suffer, bringing a sense of hope and relief.

May 9, 2023

You were born wealthy. If you had difficulty believing that statement or seeing evidence manifest in your life, it only means you have yet to embrace your authentic self fully.

Every soul born has access to anything in the physical world because everything is energy. You direct that energy with your thoughts when you become willing to accept yourself. You usually do so a bit at a time, so we have provided our information in segments. You need time to allow assimilation into your consciousness before it becomes manifest.

But you also come to the world with limited thinking and awareness, which you brought from your ancestors, and much of that dynamic is not usually in your conscious awareness. During this restructuring of your world, however, a new balance in wealth and income distribution was needed for your planet to ascend, which also means your role was to accept more for yourself so you might provide more for others and your future generations.

 – Wilhelm

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Self-judgment halts your progression

May 8, 2024

Self-judgment halts your progression. That is always the case as you move through your ascension journey, for you constantly discover and own your authentic self. Yet understanding this process is far more critical now as you decided to live during a planetary restructuring.

You moved through another portal yesterday, and the message we provided a year ago on this day, along with our live conversation yesterday, will aid you in taking the next step and loving yourself even more. 

May 8, 2023

When you love yourself, your world will change. We mean both your world and the collective. It is the reason you are alive now. You effect that change energetically by how much you are willing to own who you are and accept all past experiences as building blocks to your future.

As you examine your life and world today, you will understand why we provided the message we did in 2012. You are more awakened now to interpret and accept what we gave you. The definition of integrity we wanted you to find was the one that made you feel your inherent importance and the purpose of your life experience. 

May 8, 2012

Integrity is indeed the force that guides your entire physical life experience. It would help if you studied the word’s meaning more to understand its application to your life.

You only ever experience fear or anxiety when you do not trust the integrity of your life experience. You also have difficulty with some of this process because you attempt to judge what is occurring in your life with your limited awareness.

When you notice this fact, you can use it to develop more faith and trust. This development of faith and trust in whatever occurs means you know everything works for your highest good and expansion.

 – Wilhelm

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